Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4, 5, 6, better late, than never!

Levi is 7 months old! Where has the time seriously gone? I'm a little behind, but wanted to post a pictures from 4, 5, & 6 months! I won't even promise 7 month pictures any time soon. Ha! I have tons of summer pictures to upload as well. I have every intention of blogging during nap time, however I either end up holding him or falling asleep with him during nap time. Oops. Hey, he's only a baby once! And I only have summer break with him, then it's back to work!

My first attempt at rice cereal....you see how well that went! But he LOVES food now! 

Levi's first wedding!

Levi and his (Great) Nana 

I hope to be back soon to tell you about all of the summer fun we've been having!