Monday, April 2, 2012

Why does blogging have to be so hard?

We are still alive and doing well. Having time to write a blog post isn't easy to find. Levi is now 16 months old and we've hit the terrible two's already. 

This week is spring break. Spring break to me used to mean relaxation. However now that I have a little boy, relaxation isn't in our vocabulary! The only relaxation time I get is nap time; if that even happens. 

Levi is around 27lbs and still as tall as ever. He loves to play outdoors. I can't wait until the weather decides to stay nice, so we can have more time outside. He has learned to climb up on the couches and chairs, so there is never a dull moment here in the Kelly household. 

I hope to get back to the blog soon to post some adorable Easter pictures we had taken of our little guy.